Sustainable freedom
In 2024, its fortieth anniversary, Baleri Italia is carrying out a profound reflection on its identity and prospects for the future. To tackle this path in the best possible way, a Creative Advisory Board was set up, coordinated by design critic Stefano Caggiano.
Composed of personalities from a variety of professional backgrounds, the Creative Advisory Board has the aim of outlining a new perspective for Baleri Italia: a future of sustainable freedom for a brand that sees itself as a cultural player.
Light approach to the project
The Board's work starts from the evolution of Baleri Italia's dual identity, given by the combination of postmodernism and tech rationalism. From here takes shape the concept of sustainable freedom, central to the new strategic direction, which by combining formal cleanliness and aesthetic attention gives substance to a light approach to design, both from a material and conceptual point of view, offering doubly sustainable solutions that integrate reason and feeling (Sense & Sensibility) in a perspective of mutual revitalisation, a lively dialogue between rationality and expressiveness that defines the identity of Baleri Italia in the strict sense and of Italian design culture in the broader sense.

Light approach to the project
The light approach to design, the philosophical and value foundation of Baleri Italia, is flanked by corporate choices and best practices that aim to offer a design product conceived and constructed in a sustainable manner. A light product that leaves a trace with the least possible environmental and social impact. From this double helix comes the DNA of Baleri Italia and the concept of a light project, able to lighten both the semantic sign and the material footprint of human production on the environment, with products with reduced environmental impact. When combined in this new approach, sign lightening and footprint lightening respond to the deep need for lightening that distinguishes the contemporary user. The meaning of this strategic directive is thus further, and more fundamentally, specified as cognitive sustainability and environmental sustainability, two sides of the one great need for sustainability, or lightening, perceived by the contemporary user, crushed by the weight of an environment overburdened with signs (both material and cognitive).

Dominioni Quaquaro
How do we conceive and build our products?
We ask the designers who collaborate with us for lightweight, durable and responsible design projects, with the aim of reducing environmental impact and improving quality of life through furniture that meets practical and sustainable needs.
The focus is on modular, disassemblable and safe products with a specific focus on non-obsolescence and durability. The furniture is mainly made of metal, a material chosen for its durability, resistance and total recyclability. Upholstery always includes a choice of eco-friendly leathers, eco-leathers and fabrics. Only leathers that are not ultra-processed are used and a vegan alternative is always offered. Preference is given to cut fabrics to avoid any kind of waste.
Baleri Italia offers spare parts and maintenance services that extend product life.

Luigi Baroli
Corporate circular economy plan
Baleri Italia has drawn up and is implementing a corporate circularity plan that aims to integrate circular economy principles into the design, production and life cycle management of all products.
The core value of sustainability is translated into a long-term project that assumes continuous improvement of products and processes. The plan is organised into short-, medium- and long-term actions, which impact all company functions: from supplier selection to certification, from material innovation to the implementation of sustainability KPIs.
Among the main actions planned, the company is committed to designing and developing new products while maintaining a strong focus on sustainability, from the concept phase to the choice of finishes and coatings to disassembly. The company's commitment also focuses on updating and improving Baleri Italia's iconic products from a sustainable perspective.